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          by filling out the form and sell your products with the brand assurance of Hepsiburada.

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          Company Info

          To open a store in Hepsiburada Global, you are kindly requested to register a store at Hepsiburada first. Please click here.


          Our contract consists of 44 pages. All pages must be uploaded with wet signatures and stamps. Please do not cover the text on the pages with signatures or stamps.
          Global Seller Contract
          Drag and drop the file into this area or The fields in the shared images must be filled in completely.

          Complete all yellow fields in the Seller Information Form. Do not enter any additional information. It must be uploaded with wet signatures and stamps.
          Seller Information
          Drag and drop the file into this area or The fields in the shared images must be filled in completely.

          This form signifies that the signer is authorized by the company. Please fill it out as indicated in the example. It must be uploaded with wet signatures and stamps.
          Signature Circular
          Drag and drop the file into this area or The fields in the shared images must be filled in completely.

          An Excel file containing necessary information for the opening of your store. Please complete all specified fields in the document.
          Drag and drop the file into this area or The fields in the shared images must be filled in completely.

          Your company's tax certificate, indicating active trading in the country of establishment. Please upload a document with a tax number. It must be uploaded with wet signatures and stamps.
          Business registration certificate and certificate of incorporation
          Drag and drop the file into this area or The fields in the shared images must be filled in completely.

          For detailed information on the processing of your personal data, please review our Privacy Notice.
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