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          Cookie Policy

          As D-Market Elektronik Hizmetler ve Tic. A.Ş. (“Hepsiburada”), we strive to protect the privacy of our users to ensure that our users benefit from our services in a secure and complete manner.

          As in most websites, (“Site”) uses cookies to display personal content and advertisements to visitors, to conduct analytical activities within the Site and to monitor visitor usage habits.

          This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the Privacy Notice. 

          Hepsiburada has prepared this Cookie Policy (“Policy”) to explain which Cookies are used on the Site and how users can manage their preferences. For more detailed information regarding the processing of your personal data by Hepsiburada, we recommend you to view the Privacy Notice.

          What is a cookie?

          Cookies are small text files that are stored on a visitor’s device during a visit to a website and contain data in a name-value format. Cookies make it possible for the website you visit to store information on your device and use it later during your consequent visits. Cookies created by an Internet site are stored by the internet browser you use to access the site, and the information contained in these cookies can be remotely accessed only by the internet sites offered under the domain name that creates the cookie (e.g. provided that you use the same browser. Cookies have become an important part of internet technologies today and their basic functions are to remember the visitors, their preferences and devices. Today, almost every website uses cookies. 

          Who sends cookies?

          Cookies are sent through the communication established between your browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Safari, etc.) and the servers of Hepsiburada.

          What are the Types of Cookies? :

          • According to their ownership: 
            • First Party Cookies: It is placed on the device directly by the website visited or by Hepsiburada Global.
            • Third Party Cookies: These are cookies placed on the device by a third party, such as an advertiser or analytical system, in cooperation with Hepsiburada Global.
          • According to time that they are active:
            • Session Cookies: It provides data that can be stored until the user closes the browser or the session expires. They are short-term cookies.
            • Persistent Cookies: These are cookies that stay on the drive until the cookie is deleted by the user or until the specific expiration date for the cookie. Persistent cookies have a written expiration date of variable duration in their code.
          • According to their intended use:
            • Necessary Cookies: These are cookies that are necessary to navigate the website and use features such as accessing secure areas of the site. These cookies don’t collect information that can identify a visitor. For example, the products in the shopping basket of Hepsiburada members, do not disappear during the entire visit. Members who log in do not need to re-enter the password when visiting different pages on the Site.
            • Functionality Cookies: These cookies are used to provide advanced functionality and personalization opportunities such as remembering the choice of language or region on our website. If you do not allow the use of related cookies, it will not be possible to save your personalized settings on our website. For example, we can not share on third-party social media through the Site, and to remember the username or search queries of the visitor who visits the Site in subsequent visits.
            • Statistical Cookies: These cookies are used to provide advanced functionality and personalization opportunities such as remembering the choice of language or region on our website, also known as performance cookies. If you do not allow the use of related cookies, it will not be possible to save your personalized settings on our website. For example, we can not share on third-party social media through the Site, and to remember the username or search queries of the visitor who visits the Site in subsequent visits.
            • Targeting/Advertising Cookies: These cookies are first- and third-party cookies created during your visit to our website and third-party domain names. These cookies allow you to track your click and visit history in the domain names in which they were created, and to map these records between different domains. Such cookies are used to identify and profile users, to target advertising and marketing activities, and to privatize the content. For example, to show advertisements linked to visitors; interests through the pages and products that visitors view.


          Since the cookie management offered to you on our website is carried out through our programs provided by our suppliers in the field of technology, if you give your explicit consent to the use of cookies, your personal data processed through cookies other than necessary cookies will be transferred to our technological infrastructure suppliers located abroad. If you do not want to give explicit consent to the transfer of your personal data abroad, you can manage your consent with the cookie management tool.

          Information on Cookies Used on Our Site

          Types of cookies other than necessary cookies can be managed based on your explicit consent. You can access information about the cookies on our website (cookie type, cookie duration, cookie purpose, service provider) from the cookie management tool on our website. Cookie Settings

          How to Manage Your Cookie Preferences?

          Hepsiburada gives great importance to the ability of the users to exercise their preferences on personal data. However, it is not possible to manage preferences on certain Cookies which are necessary for operation of the Site. In addition, we would like to remind you that the various functions of the Site may not work if some Cookies are disabled.

          You can manage cookies by visiting our Cookie Settings page.

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